Left: Anna Rice Bordwell. Right: Anna and Joseph Bordwell, about 1912.
Anna Rice Bordwell was a direct descendant, eighth generation, of John and Priscilla Alden of Plymouth County who came to America on the Mayflower.
Her maternal grandfather was William W. Noland, who came to Riverside in 1880 and was the first district judge for Riverside Township after Riverside County was established in 1893. He served until 1895. Her father, Captain Charles T. Rice, was a Civil War veteran who worked with Augustus Boggs when he first came to Riverside.
At age 18, Anna joined the Women’s Club the year it was formed, 1896. She was involved in many organizations including the Alden Kindred of California, an organization of Alden Mayflower descendants; the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Eastern Star. She kept a small dairy farm on her father’s property on Brockton Avenue in later years, about 1917. She was also an avid amateur local historian.