More than $700,000 has been spent since 2005 to restore the historic portion of Evergreen Cemetery. Help us complete our work.
Still to Be Done:
- Restore 4-acre portion of the site surrounding the Riverside Mausoleum
- Heritage Wall
- Scattering Garden
- Landscaping
- Benches
- Future Fully Funded
View our progress by clicking on one of the milestones below.
Construction of Tilden-Coil Constructors Plaza,
stabilization of receiving vaults, donor recognition
Completion of first Annual Giving campaign,
Riverside African American Historical Society monument dedication,
new armed service flags

March-December 2008
Decorative pavement and gates installed
Surface grading to stabilize surface and repair erosion
Waterlines, sidewalks and streetlights constructed
Sprinklers installed

June 2007
Fence constructed
Improvements including flagpole and bench at the gravesite of Medal of Honor Winner

January 2006
Trees and shrubbery removal were needed
New trees and shrubs planted per landscaping plans
Pest Control
December 2005
Every monument, over 170, between Pine and Redwood reset
150 monuments permanently affixed to prevent further vandalism
November 2005
Trees trimmed
Weeding and ground leveling begun
Watering restarted in the areas where leveling begun
Over 100 monuments reseated by volunteers

January 2005
Aerial survey has been completed, Title search by First American Title completed. Riverside City Council allotted $250,000 to frame with curbs, gutters and storm drains. Riverside City Council approved a donation from Riverside Public Utilities of up to $100,000 over 5 years to help with the cemetery’s upkeep